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The “NEW JAILBREAK AUTO ROB / AUTO ARREST Script” is a cheat or script designed for the game “Jailbreak” on Roblox, enabling automated robbery of stores and arrest of criminals without manual player intervention.

Benefits of Using this Script

Using a “NEW JAILBREAK AUTO ROB / AUTO ARREST Script” in the game Jailbreak can offer several benefits to players, enhancing their gameplay experience and efficiency. With the auto rob feature, players can automatically steal valuables, such as money or items, from various locations within the game without the need for manual input.


  • Efficient resource gathering: The auto rob feature automates the process of stealing valuables, enabling players to collect resources and accumulate wealth more efficiently.
  • Faster progression: With the script’s assistance, players can progress through the game more quickly, achieving their in-game objectives at a faster pace.
  • Competitive advantage: By automating key actions such as robbing and arresting, the script provides players with a competitive edge over others in the game.
  • Streamlined gameplay: The script streamlines gameplay processes, reducing the need for manual input and allowing players to focus on other aspects of the game.
  • Enhanced law enforcement: The auto arrest feature assists law enforcement roles in apprehending criminals within the game, contributing to the maintenance of order and justice.
  • Improved efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks, the script helps players optimize their gameplay experience and make the most of their time in the game.

Features that make this Jailbreak script so powerful

  • Auto Rob: Auto Rob is a feature commonly found in cheats or scripts for games like Jailbreak in Roblox. It automatically enables players to steal or rob in-game items, such as money or valuables, without requiring manual input.
  • Auto Arrest: Auto Arrest is another feature often included in cheats or scripts for Jailbreak or similar games. It automatically arrests criminals within the game without the need for manual interaction from the player.
  • Kill Aura: Kill Aura is a combat-related feature commonly found in hacks or cheats for multiplayer games. When activated, Kill Aura automatically attacks nearby enemies within a certain radius around the player’s character.
  • Server Hop: Server Hop is a functionality often included in gaming cheats or scripts that allows players to quickly switch between different game servers or instances. This feature is particularly useful in games where server hopping can provide advantages, such as accessing specific resources or avoiding competition.


  • Download: By clicking the button above.
  • Run Game: Launch the game.
  • Inject Script: Use a script executor/injector to apply the script

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